A Study of the Value of Security Analysts 'Investment Rating: Evidence Based on Hong Kong Stock Market 证券分析师评级报告的投资价值研究&来自香港股市的经验证据
That can only lead to a false sense of security and indiscriminate reliance on regulation, as happened in the past when most banks chose to rely blindly on the judgment of rating agencies instead of examining the risks themselves. 这只会导致虚假的安全感,以及不加选择地依赖监管。过去也曾发生过类似的情况:多数银行选择盲目依靠评级机构的判断,而不是自己对风险加以分析。
Therefore the technical security rating is 72% dangerous. 因此,该技术的安全评级是72%危险的。
These new indices essentially show how rapidly a security could lose a top-notch rating if the economic climate changed, as it has in the last couple of years, in relation to the US mortgage market. 这些新指标实质上反映了在经济气候改变时,一种证券失去最高评级的速度,正如过去几年中受美国抵押贷款市场影响时那样。
The result of the inspection showed that the security rating of the wagon is 2~ ( nd)-stage and it can be still used. 检验结果表明,该罐体的安全状况等级评定为2级,仍可继续使用。
Since there are weld defects in welds, using traditional strength theory based on no defect and no crack to design, crane's security in rating load can't be insured. 由于在焊缝部位存在焊接缺陷,采用传统的建立在构件无缺陷、无裂纹基础上的强度理论进行设计计算时,往往不能确保起重机在额定载荷下使用的安全性。
Using the reliability index structure security rating and reliability inverse problem theory of bridge structure, concluded that its service life prediction of residual lifetime. 利用可靠度指标进行结构安全性等级评定,利用可靠度反问题理论进行桥梁结构的寿命预测,从而得出其剩余寿命。
The evaluation process hazards level, mainly through security matrix and evaluation standard for process after the hazard analysis of risk rating, and how to conduct quantitative evaluation analysis. 工艺危害等级的评定,主要通过安全矩阵和评定标准进行工艺危害分析后的风险等级评定,以及如何进行定量的评定分析。
The vanadium redox flow battery ( VRB) developed in recent years is a kind of new rechargeable battery. It is with excellent advantages, such as low cost, high security, simply technological process and power rating and energy rating being independent. 全钒氧化还原液流电池(钒电池)是日益受重视的一种新型储能电池,因其成本低、安全性高、工艺相对简单以及功率和能量相互独立等诸多特点,近来发展迅速。
According to "the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on Promoting the Enterprises Labor and Social Security Credit System", the System is merely a credit evaluation, rating and supervision system regarding labor and social security. 按照《劳动和社会保障部办公厅关于推进企业劳动保障诚信制度的指导意见》,我国劳动保障诚信制度仅仅是劳动保障诚信评价和分类监管机制。
Then, based on the results, code security evaluation method is introduced in this paper. D-S evidence theory and expert rating method are combined to build credibility evaluation indicator tree, and credible confidence inference algorithm is designed to obtain the security evaluation results. 然后,基于代码分析结果,提出一种面向代码安全的代码安全性评估方法,将D-S证据理论与专家评分等级相结合构建可信指标树,设计可信置信度推理算法获取安全性评估结果。
Major risks involved in the securitization process include: legal settings of SPV ( Special Purpose Vehicle), establishment of works of art 'security standards, and credit rating. 在拟证券化的过程中涉及的主要风险包括:风险隔离机构的法律设置、艺术品抵押标准的设立和信用评级等。
Part of security agencies to solve the problem of information asymmetry and improve the credit rating of SMEs. 担保机构能够解决一部分信息不对称问题,提高中小企业的信用等级。
At the present stage, with the further development of financial mechanism reform, it has higher demand for the security and profitability of credit loan which will end up with the increasingly positive impact to banking credit system by credit rating. 现阶段,随着金融体制改革的不断深化,对信贷资产安全性、效益性的要求越来越高,资信评级对银行信贷的积极作用也将日趋明显。
China should learn from American experience to establish and improve the security rating system, to strengthen information disclosure system of listed companies and to improve the integrity of the mechanism. 监管层面应该借鉴美国经验,建立健全证券评级制度、强化上市公司信息披露制度和完善上市公司诚信机制。
Given the credit rating company to carry out investment financing guarantee security plays an important role, therefore, should also improve the credit rating legislation. 鉴于信用评级在投资担保公司开展融资性担保中发挥着重要作用,因此,还应当完善信用评级立法。